Do I Have A Drinking Problem? 11 Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder

Children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics themselves than those who grew up with non-alcoholic parents. If a person grew up in a household where excessive drinking was normalized, they are more likely to develop a drinking problem. Just because someone is high-functioning doesn’t mean they’re not at risk of hurting themselves or others as a result of their drinking. It’s important to treat high-functioning alcoholics just like all other addicts by helping them realize the severity of their addiction and encouraging them to seek treatment. If a person with AUD suddenly stops drinking, they might experience severe withdrawal symptoms.

Can you be an alcoholic in your 20s?

Some people are able to leave behind temporary alcohol abuse for healthier habits while others may find themselves struggling with alcoholism. Many young adults don't seek help for their alcoholism in their early 20s whereas they are more likely to seek treatment in their late 20s or even later.

According to NIAAA (the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism), alcohol use disorder represents a spectrum of drinking problems ranging from mild to severe. Which is why a severe case of alcohol use disorder may require specialized care. Cutting off alcohol in those with long-term or chronic consumption could lead to withdrawal and be fatal.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Binge drinking and alcohol abuse can start in the teenage years or even earlier, though adults and the elderly may pick up the habit too. Alcohol is, without question, the most commonly used and abused substance in the United States. In 2021 alone, 67% of adults reported using alcohol during the year, and 84% reported alcohol use at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, while many adults find themselves drinking responsibly, there are millions that struggle with alcoholism. In the last several decades, a growing number of teens have started abusing alcohol. Because adolescents’ brains are still developing, teenage drinking behaviors vary greatly compared to adult patterns.

The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. The physical and psychological signs of alcoholism are difficult for many people to deal with, and some tend to live in denial. Others attempt to quit drinking cold turkey on their own, which leads to dangerous withdrawal symptoms. In fact, alcoholism is one of the few substances individuals can die from withdrawal.

What is Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)?

While it’s legal and common to drink alcohol, addiction to alcohol may be among the deadliest drug addictions there is. Its potential for abuse, withdrawal, and long-term health consequences means you have every reason to present your concerns to your loved one and offer to get them help. Alcoholism can also include binge drinking, which is defined as more than five drinks for men or more than four drinks for women within a two-hour period. And while people who binge drink may not meet the criteria for alcohol use disorder, they can suffer the same short- and long-term consequences of alcoholics. Treatment providers are available 24/7 to answer your questions about rehab, whether it’s for you or a loved one. Submit your number and receive a free call today from a treatment provider.

Call HMHI for a free consultation to help you get started on your recovery journey today if you think you are in any stage of alcoholism. A telling sign of an alcoholic is that they don’t know when to quit drinking. People with AUD may try to curb their drinking and limit themselves to two drinks at night. When everyone else is ready to leave the bar and go home, they want to order another round. A person struggling with an alcohol issue may undergo personality changes while under the influence. People that are typically closed off could become an open book.

Alcohol Use Disorder

While aware of these consequences, they may deny that their alcoholism caused them. They point fingers at their boss instead of holding themselves accountable. The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers is a nonprofit professional society designed to offer support to organizations across the continuum of care. You can ask questions about our program, the admissions process, and more. Joseph Gilmore has been in the addiction industry for three years with experience working for facilities all across the country. Explore a variety of healthcare news & stories by visiting the Health Lab home page for more articles.

  • Some do this out of embarrassment, and others do it because of alcohol-induced anxiety or depression.
  • There are some psychological signs of alcoholism also known as withdrawals.
  • Our treatment professionals will guide you every step of the way.
  • Especially the organs that play a vital role in weight management.
  • The consequences begin no matter what they may say about their alcohol habits.

If an individual has a mild alcohol abuse issue, it can be easily overlooked. Binge drinking, or drinking more than five drinks within two hours, is one of the most dangerous ways of consuming alcohol. This is due to the higher level of medical issues like alcohol toxicity (alcohol poisoning) that can occur without intention. Binge drinking is considered an unhealthy drinking pattern that about 25% of adults, or 59 million people, reported engaging in during 2021. That accounts for almost a quarter of the US adult population, including 12% of the adult population who meet the criteria for alcohol use disorder (AUD).

Denial is one of the main reasons why millions of people do not receive treatment for alcoholism. Some individuals will try to rationalize their drinking behaviors. For instance, you may blame other people or certain circumstances for your drinking. Rather than acknowledge the problems you’ve experienced from alcohol, you become defensive when someone mentions your excessive drinking pattern. By refusing to recognize the negative consequences of alcohol, you’re preventing yourself from living a healthy, sober life. As noted above, when you take the step to quit alcohol, there are withdrawals.

  • Learn about alcoholism support options and find other resources to start on your recovery plan today.
  • This pattern is often repeated, and you may notice that they go through periods where they drink heavily and then make an attempt to quit.
  • If you are drinking more than that at any one time, you may be misusing alcohol.
  • Social or moderate drinking can become problematic if it begins to cause unpleasant effects.
  • Ascension Recovery Services is a team of experts and specialists with years of experience working to support individuals struggling with addiction and their families.

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